
second shooting day, Biouganda

Pineapple growing is a very powerful activity.

Thursday 27th of February was our 2nd day of shooting about pineapple growing in Uganda. On that day we focused mainly about dried pineapples and this we approached. Mr. Mulondo and his wife, Mrs. Carol Mulondo, who own a mini-factory in Namulanda, Entebbe.
Reaching there, personally I was so eager to find out how pineapple are dried because it was my first time hearing about it.
Oooh, how can I forget to talk about the overcoats we were given while entering the mini-factory. Damn, we looked like doctors, chefs or those people, who bake cakes - lol - call it what you want.
So we happened to taste the dried pineapples and almost it was our first time tasting it as well.
Mrs. Carol also served us with cold pineapple juice, which smoothed our throats because of its sweetness and aroma.
Ohh, by the way - while moving around the mini-factory it seemed like a Sauna because of the too much heat that even brought some of us to sweat.
So as we were leaving, we happened to have a taste of one of the most famous foods in Uganda: „Rolex“ and I hope everyone liked it.
Generally, we had a good day.

Campilled by Cabana Henry
